The Forester's

Our totally awesome life and what becomes of it.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


I haven't posted on my blog for so long because I have not figured out how to post the transition from Utah to California. Things at Drew's work in Utah ended in the most unfortunate way. Drew's schedule and disposition toward the end of his time at this job were terrible. He was constantly stressed and never home. He was always working, even when he was at home. We didn't have another job lined up so we packed everything up in storage and moved to California so that he could start looking for a job. We had a couple weeks left in Utah to pack up and move. Even though we didn't know at this point what we were going to do Drew was back to his happy amazing self again. He was happy with life again. He was able to cook again and play with the girls. We went swimming at the pool together almost everyday. It was so fun.
The girls wanted to see what planet was in the night sky so Drew downloaded an app on his phone and they went out to check it out. These were their outfits they picked for their daddy daughter outing.
These little cuties needed to be entertained while Drew and I packed up the house while being so crazy sick.
We also took so much advantage of the parks in our neighborhood before heading south. Nora wanted some alone time so she wandered off to this little field of wildflowers. It was so dang cute.
They also have the cutest little creek running through the park and the girls loves playing in it.
We had an amazing last couple of weeks in Utah. We were only there for a year but we had so much fun and made some great friends. My most favorite part of living in Utah was living by two of my most favorite people in the world. Kristin has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We would have dinner at each other's houses each week, girls nights and just vent to each other. She is one of the greatest ladies I have ever met!
This gorgeous lady in the middle is the other reason I'm sad to have left Utah. She gets me! I think I could literally tell her anything and she would not judge. She understands my crazy and she loves me no matter what! She is kind, beautiful, fun and the best. I laugh so hard when we are together and our time together is never long enough.

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