The Forester's

Our totally awesome life and what becomes of it.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Lila is going to be a kindergartener!

This little girl is pretty fantastic! She is about to have her "whole hand birthday" next month. I can't believe this little sweet girl has been growing up so quickly. This year she has grown two inches. She has learned to read small words, she has formed relationships with her classmates and learned the power of prayer. Earlier this year there was a girl in her class who wouldn't let Lila play with her and another little girl. So we talked about it, we talked about ways that she could be less bossy and ways she could show kindness. She was convinced that those ideas would t work. We then talked about prayer. She said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to soften her friends heart so she will let her play with them. She prayed about it couple times but on the way to preschool I heard her in the back seat prayer so hard for her friends heart to be soften. I had also been quietly praying asking for Lila's prayer to be answered. I couldn't wait to pick her up and hear what happened. She was so thrilled when she got in the car and told me all about how Heavnly Father answered her prayer. It was such a simple answer but it meant so much to me and to Lila. She really is a little ray of sunshine and I love watching her grow and learn. I hope kindergarten brings all sort of fun new experiences.

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