The Forester's

Our totally awesome life and what becomes of it.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Boise Trip

In march for my birthday we decided to go visit my wonderful Aunt and Uncle in Eagle Idaho. I was asleep most of the way which is probably not a good thing because poor Drew has to entertain himself. He found a way... if he saw something he liked along the way he would take a picture of it while driving by. 

After doing that a few times he decided it is best to stop and take a picture and this is how this happened. There was this beautiful moss growing on the hills so he pulled off onto a dirt path. It was raining a lot on that day and the road looked pretty muddy. I told him I didn't think it was safe to pull off the road in that spot. He said it will only take me a second; which it did only take him a second to jump out of the car and take the picture but it took us an hour to get out of the mud we were stuck in.  

 Luckily some really nice people stopped to help us after like a half an hour of trying to get out ourselves.

 Also along the way we stopped at the craters of the moon museum. It was so cool and Lila had a blast playing and being out of the car.

 Drew thinks its so funny to take pictures of me sleeping in the car. That little stink!

We finally made it there and had such a fun time! We stayed up super late just chatting away. I love my family!

We went to this super cute aquarium in Boise with my Aunt Susan, my Uncle Bryan and my cousin Cody. 

We also were able to go visit Kristina and her family in the midst of them moving into their new house. Lila loved Kaitlyn and Sarah!

Not only did my Aunt and Uncle spoil us rotten Lila got in on the ice cream action! She learned this trick from Daddy. He teaches her the necessary tricks to eating ice cream. 

It was a great way to spend my birthday and we had sooo much fun! We love going to visit them and can't wait to go back.

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