The Forester's

Our totally awesome life and what becomes of it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Missionary Memories

Today I had an experience that brought a plethora of mission experiences back to my mind and I just wanted to post my thoughts. Lately Alicia has had this cough that she gets with her pregnancy that just sporadically brings on a coughing fit and sometimes they make her dry heave she coughs so hard. Every time she dry heaves it reminds me of my trainer elder Hicks and how in the mornings as he would get ready for the day he would spit in the sink and make a "spoowe" sound and if you ever spent a morning with him as he gets ready you'll know exactly what Im talking about. Another thing that reminded me of Hicks this week was when I got a hair cut. The hair cut was great, but the sides were shorter than usual which I don't mind, but this reminded me of when Hicks would get a hair cut you could always tell because his moles would show on the side of his head. If he ever caught you looking he would say something along the line of "Hmmm you looking at my mole and then smile an ear to ear smile" to which you couldn't help but smile right back at him. This week I was also reminded of Elder Garcia-Lyons, when I went to buy a usb drive from the BYUI Bookstore and my friend Jared enthusiastically showed me the Star Wars series were the usb was a mini figurine of your favorite star wars character. I was seconds away from grabbing the usb drive I heard Garcia's voice in my head saying, "Echu ma ma!" This year there have been many things that led me to these memories, but what I love about these experiences is that I was fortunate enough to have one with every person I met in my mission. Lastly there was a kid on a show the other day that remedied me of a song one of my companions sung in titled, "Get Away" and the second we heard the tune Alicia and I looked at each other and said "no!" that sounded just like this elders song and then busted up laughing. I seriously could go on forever but hope to bring more of these awesome stories to light as they pop back into my memory.

1 comment:

Gerardo said...

A mission is one of those events that you know is going to change your life, but you have no idea how it will, or how much it will. I think about the mission all the time and how grateful I was to serve: When someone asks a gospel question, when I have to give a lesson in church, when I have to give my wife or son a blessing, when I'm teaching at school, and at times just walking (I think, "I'm I smiling like I have the world's greatest treasure?"). And I can't think of how many times I've used some of President Ludlow's sayings. Elise and I still use the "feel, felt, found" with people. There are so many great memories, I just wish I would've kept a better journal. You've had a great idea here posting some of your mission memories. I may have to do the same!