So the wait has finally ended, Lila Rose Forester has come! We had quiet the experience taking Alicia to the delivery room. Starting Tuesday morning she started having consistent contrations every five minutes, but they weren't painful. In true Alicia fashion she continued to go to work until the baby came. On Thursday we went to our appointment and she was very sad to say she was 2cm dilated and 60% effaced. After some damage control was done and many prayers were offered, Saturday morning July 17 she started having painful contractions. At about three am we went to the hospital where we were met with more disappointment, she was still 2cm and 80% effaced. After a hour of waiting and really really strong contractions she had dilated from a two to six cm and 100% effaced. So I thinking now was a good time to get our thank you treats we had prepared for the nurses, video camera and other things from the car I left. Upon my return I found that she had been moved to her labor/delivery room and was progressing rapidly. When I entered the labor/delivery room she was clenching to the side rail of the bed in pain and had progressed from six to nine cm and her water had just broke naturally. Poor Alicia by this time she was ready to push but because she had only had one bag of fluid and there was no time for the anesthesiologist to come, she couldn't have her epidderal. As the nurse told her she couldn't have the drugs I saw a her face fall and then with a little bit of coaching she agreed. Literally twenty minutes after and six strong pushes Lila was delivered. Words cannot express how amazed, dumbfounded, and absolutely stoked I was of what Alicia had just done and that Lila was now a true part of our family! Apparently in hiens sight Alicia was blessed enough to have a precipitous labor. Which means the actual active labor last no more than 3 hours max. At our discharge the OBGYN looked at me and said, "For your next child you should learn how to deliver just in case you don't make it to the hospital in time." I seariously nearly fainted and thought to myself well I'm not going to deliver, I'll just pay for the ambulance fee! Its been 10 days with our little sweetheart and we can't believe that she is finally here. Thank you all for setting the example, giving us the confidence, and help we needed to prepare for this beautiful joy in our life. Thank you to all of our wonderful friends who brought in meals and checking in on us. Also we want to thank of family for all the help!
Congratulations! Great Job Alicia! You are awesome! She is just beautiful! Love every minute you have with her!
She is adorable, congratulations you guys!
Congrats!!! She is a beautiful baby.
p.s. I had a 4 hour labor but I was able to get an epidural. What a strong wife you have. :0
She is adorable! Congrats! BTW Alicia you are amazing. No epidural? Seriously? You are my hero! I'm so glad she decided to come out so fast! :) What a beautiful little family.
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